Saturday, February 04, 2012

Goodbye :(

Jenelyn Belisario-Quinto
August 10, 1986 - February 5, 2012

Today, I lost a good friend.  Met her in May of 2007 when I first started teaching.  I knew she was from the province and initially, I found her quite odd.  I remember one time we all came to a session from a break - she had a grasshopper in her hand and said she found it outside and natuwa daw siya. Immediately I though, uh-oh...weird...?

But as the weeks, months and years passed by, she proved me wrong by showing me who she really was.  She was outspoken, fearless, she fought for what was right, as a teacher she was strict yet with a warm and compassionate heart for the students.  She loved the ICANs and showed it very well.  As a friend, she was accommodating - in as much as she can, she helped even if it meant sacrifice on her part.

I have countless memories with her (being seated next to each other for five years) and I cannot begin to describe how much I will miss her.  Although I initially thought we were opposites, her being from the province and me growing up in the city, I have grown so close to her through the years that we even text at night after a long day at work!

We got married the same year (only 3 months apart), got pregnant also the same year (1 month apart).  We often talked about what kind of wives and mothers we would be, how we would raise our children and how our kids (boy and girl) would be playmates one day.  Most of our free time was spent talking about brands that were good for the baby, breastfeeding, what kind of diaper to use, etc.

I know this shouldn't be the case but being a mom now has a bittersweet ring to it.  I've always imagined being a mom with her.  At the same time, though, this also makes me even more determined to be the best mom I can be - not only for my baby, but for Jen whom I know wanted so badly to become a mother.


God's ways are different from ours.  I don't know what God's plans are - for her husband and her 4-day old baby.  But I know He knows best.

They say time heals all wounds but for some reason, I don't want this wound to ever heal - if it means always being reminded of a dear friend and sister.

I'll miss you everyday, Jen!

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