Monday, October 22, 2012

RUPM // PowerRun

This running thing is getting to be expensive! It used to be that I liked running because all you needed was a pair of good running shoes - a one time big time expense.  But now, I realise it's not as cheap as a  I thought! I guess I could just run and train and not join any official races, but where's the fun in that? :P


Here's the run I have this Sunday which, according to CA, the goal must be 1 hour 15 minutes.  For my November 10km, it's going to be:

The New Balance Power Run with a goal of 1 hour 5 minutes.  My best ever 10k was at 1 hour 6 minutes so... we'll see.

On a happier and lighter and more positive note, I stood on the scale today and saw that I lost 6 pounds!!! Praise God! :) I'm really loving how my teacher uniforms have gotten more comfortable.  I hope to be able to keep it up.  After all, I do have only 4 months to prepare for my full marathon.  The new motto? Eat well, to run well! :) 

Speaking of that marathon, I was looking at my notepad and came across my answer to the question, WHY do you want to run a full marathon, in the TBRDM application.  To keep me motivated, here's my answer:

"Running a marathon would be my second dream come true.  I was so ready to sign up for TBRDM 2012 but got my first dream come true when my husband and I found out we were having a baby.  So I had to postpone my marathon dream.  Now, with a 4-month old baby, I am so ready to train and run.  Having my husband and little boy at the 42km mark, I'm sure I'll finish strong!"


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