Saturday, August 27, 2011

5 Weeks & Counting

Yup, I suppose that's me! The past week has been (sorry, baby) horrible :( I didn't know pregnancy would be this difficult.  For now, it's still pretty manageable.  I get nauseous about 2-3 times in a day - usually early in the morning and after meals.  I also feel extra tired - like I could sleep at 6PM and wake up the next  day! In a night, I'd also get up to pee a lot more often than usual.  I usually did it just once but now - three would be the minimum.  Still no cravings and no actual vomiting - I hope it stays that way.

Often times, I feel like I lack the energy and zest to actually do anything.  I'm tempted to just stay home and laze around all day.  I told my friend today, after this pregnancy, I'm not so sure I want to experience this again! HAH! We'll see.  Of course I know it's all going to be worth it once I see the little one...but man, nobody said it would be THIS tough! And I'm only in my 5th week (6th on Monday).

My prayer: Dear Lord, remind me always to take care of me, not only for me, but for the life in me.  I pray that I hear a loud and energetic heartbeat come next week when I go for my 2nd ultrasound.  I know I complain a lot but I know You know how grateful I am for this little blessing :)

Oh, speaking of moms, it's my mother's 62nd birthday today! Happy birthday, mommy! I love you so much.  If I can be even just half of how wonderful a mom you are, my child can already consider herself blessed.

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