Saturday, June 15, 2013

Say What?

In my first year of being a mommy, I've heard pieces of advice left and right from experienced moms - many I wish I never heard.  Why? I think most of them made me worried and paranoid for no reason at all! Some examples..

1) "Hah? Lagi mo karga? Wag ganyan! Sinasanay mo!!
- Hello, I realized that babies really do want to be carried all the time! What's the point in wanting a baby kung ayaw mo mahirapan? Hahaha.  I mean, now that Liam is 13 months old, he hardly wants to be carried and always wants to explore on his own.  My point is, the I-want-to-be-carried stage does not last forever and I'm glad I cherished those days because I actually miss it now!

2) "He doesn't sleep in a nursery? Naku, you'll have a hard time once you go back to work!" 
- There is an extra room in the house, which will be his room in a few years but from Day 1 until this very day, he still sleeps in our room.  Yes, nahirapan talaga ako, having to deal with a baby who still did not sleep through the night and then having to wake up at 5AM every morning for work.  But like #1, hindi siya forever, so konting tiis lang naman.  Plus, I thought to myself, when my baby cries in the middle of the night, I'd much rather he have my arms to go to rather than yaya's.

3) "Breast milk is the ONLY way to go."
- Those who have tried probably know that breast feeding is not as easy as 1, 2, 3.  I had such a horrible time breastfeeding that I gave up so easily (as early as 3 months).  To begin with, I was already mix feeding Liam as early as 1 month so my supply never really came in.  I believe that breast milk is the best, but I don't think I'm any less of a mother for giving my son formula milk early on.  If anything, I feel like I did not have enough knowledge about breastfeeding as well as support for it - something I will make sure I have if given a chance to have Baby #2.  Everyday, I am thankful to the Lord that my mostly-formula-fed baby is healthy and has never had any sickness (save for colds that lasted for a couple of days).  To breastfeeding moms, I salute you 100%!

Anyway, my point is, to each his own.  I learned that comparing will not get me anywhere.  People can give you advice but each baby is different and whatever works for one may not necessarily work for another.  Now that I'm more knowledgeable about pregnancy, babies and breastfeeding, I feel like I can do much better next time (but not anytime soon, hehe).

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