Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mother's Day is Now MY Day!

Motherhood is both simple and complex.  A friend who visited got so surprised seeing how easily I lifted and carried my then two-week-old baby.  She asked me, "Did you practice carrying? Who taught you?" Did I practice?? No.  And I definitely did not get any tutorials on baby carrying.  I guess it does come naturally - it comes naturally for a mother to want to pick up her son who is crying and wailing, eager to be held and cuddled.  I think motherhood is simple in that sense.  At the same time, complex even as early as pregnancy! When the baby is finally born into the world, I realized there's so much to learn about caring for a little one (what more the rest of a child's life)! What soap to use, when to change diapers, how long to keep a bottle of milk out at room temperature and when to throw it, how to burp a baby, what diapers to use, and the list goes on.  But, yes, like I always say, love makes everything difficult seem easy.  Or at least, worth it....and when you know it's well worth the effort, you forget how difficult it used to seem.

I stare at you and cannot help but ask, "Who is this little creature whom I know nothing about at the same time is my own flesh and blood?" I don't know you so well yet but already I love you immeasurably.  You bring out the best and worst in me - the best because I want to keep being better for you, and the worst, so I know who to stop being.  My dear Liam, I look forward to getting to know you better - what kind of food you'll like, which ones you won't, the type of music you'll enjoy, what sport you'll be into (don't worry I won't let daddy pressure you into basketball!), your little mannerisms, your favorite cartoon character/s and super heroes...
I promise to be a good example to you, to make sure I will be your model of faith, kindness, patience, generosity, fear in God, and compassion... in the same way my own mother has molded me into who I am now, by her very example.

I always say this but because it's Mother's Day, I'll say it again - whatever GOODNESS I have in me, I owe all to my mother.  To borrow Celine Dion's song, "I'm everything I am, because you loved me." True enough, I am a product of my mother's love and care.  I am 26 and a mom myself but she still worries and cares and provides for me like I was still 10.  Never a day was I not grateful for having you as my mother. Thank you for always being supportive of everything I have ever been interested in, for being my #1 fan, for believing in me and for showing me love every day of my life.

...HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to my mom, myself and all mothers out there! :-)

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