Monday, May 21, 2012

One Month After

Happy one month to my little dumpling!!! :)

Mixed emotions on this day:
1) It's already been a month? Don't grow up so fast!
2) One month palang??? When will you finally be able to speak up and tell me what you want instead of just cry?

The sentiments of a first time mom who, 80% of the time, is not sure she's doing the right thing. Percentage is higher now, though. Used to be about 98%, haha.  Anyway, it's been a month of being sleep deprived, tired like anything on most days (and I already have a yaya, at that), paranoid about the littlest of things ("Close the door!!! Baka may pumasok na lamok!!!"... But inspite of how things have changed in our lives, of course, like most other moms, I wouldn't have it any other way :)

Today also marks my FREEDOM! ...from ge lai which is that Chinese tradition I spoke of weeks back. I can now go back to regular food and can also go out! And I did, this morning! Went out with my mom to go grocery shopping.  Inasmuch as I enjoyed going out, I have to admit, I missed the little bub! :-D

Breastfeeding Update:

I posted about my breastfeeding experience about 2 weeks back and until this day, I have been very diligent in pumping (I only go 5 hours without pumping at night, when I go to bed).  Sad to say, the most I can pump in a sitting is still at 1oz., both breasts combined.  See?

I'm still on Fenugreek and Moringa and I am also STILL hoping that my supply will catch up.  But, well, if it doesn't, I'll just take it as God saying His plan for Liam really is to be mix fed... I really don't want to stress myself out too much anymore.  Kung meron, edi meron.  Kung wala, edi wala! I think the important things are:
1) Kahit papano, he gets some breast milk from me. I mean, some milk is still better than none at all, right?
2) He was able to get colostrum when I was in the hospital.
3) He's not starving!

There you go, that's the first 4 weeks of Liam's life done! Cheers to the next weeks, months, years.

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